Meaningful - Activity

Watching movie is meaningful if we going to make movie.

Watching program is meaning if we going to make program.

Watching cricket is meaningful if we going to play cricket.

Listening song is meaningful if we going to sing or play song.

We must know one thing that people who involves in movie, music and cricket do practice at least 6 hours a day. Are we doing like that?

We must know one thing that people who involves in movie, music and cricket make at least $10,000/- for the day. Are we earning like that?

Working 8 hours a day will not make us more productive. Being busy is not mean we growing.

Home work not only needed for student or movie stars for us also needed.

Doing net practice is not only need for cricket players for us also needed.

If you read two times a day your mind will be wise.

If you eat three times a day your body will be well.

If you pray five times a day your soul will be peace.

***** Certain movies and TV programs are really useful for us we cannot ignore them.


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